Natural Eye Care with Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist

Turmeric & Your Eyes - How Curcumin Can Help With Inflammation

February 20, 2024 Dr. Marc R Grossman, OD, L.Ac. Season 4 Episode 23

Inflammation is the body's natural response to stress or infection, but uncontrolled inflammation can have harmful effects on the body. Turmeric, also known as curcumin, has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with depression, pain, and diabetes.

Inflammation contributes to certain eye conditions. Therefore, curcumin can be helpful.

Listen to today's Natural Eye Care Podcast to learn how turmeric's curcumin can benefit your eye health.

Dr. Marc Grossman is a Holistic Optometrist and Acupuncturist. Check out to find the supplements described in this episode and a wealth of vision knowledge.